'Romanian Kangoo Jumps Presenters | Kangoo Club Romania'

'Do you think that you have what it takes to become a KJ International presenter in Sofia?  Our Romanian presenters are ready to rock the stage at the KJIFF 2015, check out this video, book your tickets and be ready to be part of this amazing show!!  Kinga Sebestyén - Kangoo Jumps Trainer & Distributor Ildikó Marica - Trainer Kangoo Jumps Andreea Zaragiu - Presenter Kangoo Jumps Gabriel Ghiță - Presenter Kangoo Jumps Florin Tudor - Presenter Kangoo Jumps  www.kangooclub.ro www.kjfestival.com www.kangoojumps.com ---  Director: Alexandra Hash Image: Andrei Cioroaga Music: Razvan Tiben Make-Up: Andreea Cucu Hair Stylist: Roxana Balici   Special Thanks: Mika Naville Kinga Sebestyén Julio Dieguez Papi Per Markussen Peter Ambjorn Gabriel Vasilescu Marius Nedelcu Mikael Fredholm' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , loss , weight , Health , body , muscle , Physical Fitness (Industry) , training , Romania , fat burning , Weight Loss (Symptom) , Audi , jumping , World class , KJ , Move On , Kangoo Jumps (Business Operation) , kangoo power , kangoo dance , kangoo club , kinga sebestyen , kangoo discovery , Kangoo Kick , Florin Tudor , Ghita Gabriel , Dosa Ildiko , Marica Ildiko , Porsche Romania , Kangoo Bucharest , Kangoo Bucuresti , Ghete Kangoo , KJ Boot , Kj Festival

See also: gesundheit , rut , gyms , The Sport of Fitness , upper body , C mon , exercise , est , sexy thighs , WORLD

